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Everything posted by harveycmd

  1. The video was AI generated. It's not real. Think about it. Lakers GM wouldn't say that about LeBrick even if it was true.
  2. That's a fake video. They didn't draft him in the first round, as was pointed out. Yeah, it was stupid, but the Lakers have been stupid for years now.
  3. Do you have the quote from the Lakers GM on this? No doubt it's stupid, but that's not the same thing as the GM publicly saying LeBrick made him do it.
  4. I never played against any great players, including me. I dunked and thought I was good, but truth is we all sucked.
  5. Gerry, more Kobe, Ask CJ. Can't kick any more ass than this.
  6. I know this Longhorns stuff, but the balliest quote I've ever heard is Henry Kissinger telling the dictator of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnez face to face in Moscow in October 1973 during the Yom Kippur War that if the Soviet Union puts troops on the ground in Israel, the United State will nuke the hell out of the Soviet Union.
  7. CDC going gangsta on the Aggies even before we get in the conference offically.
  8. They need a Trev Alberts chant.
  9. I'm having a good time listening to SoonerScoop talk about how great it is the criminal interlopers are getting lower level WR commits. Several months ago they claimed they were in on Andrew Marsh, Kelshaun Johnson, etc. They just don't mention it anymore. They're also prepping the fanbase for losing out on the big tackles from DFW, saying other schools are prioritizing individual guys with NIL deals. This all tells me they're still not up to par in NIL from a holistic perspective. Feels like a return to the 90s.
  10. The timing tells the tale here. No question this was a recruiting move. Sooners must have been hearing from recruits that they were hearing that Venables might not be around long term. Whence the extension, which is really just for two more years. Interesting to see what the buyout terms are. Venables has not really distinguished himself as a head coach rather than just a defensive guy. OU has had trouble with roster management, game management, special teams, coordinator management, etc. These are all things directly attributable to the head coach.
  11. Can't wait to see that goober on the road in the SEC. Maybe Venables will think he shouldn't have allowed himself to get pressured in to putting out Gabriel when he's getting his butt kicked by Ole Miss, Missouri and LSU. Arnold's daddy won't make much difference then.
  12. Arnold is a pre-Madonna. Kinda like Luka Doncic. Too bad that chubby isn't in Oklahoma.
  13. Kelly is talking about the landscape as it now stands, not what happened twenty years ago. If you think LSU couldn't have "bought" Williams, you're sadly mistaken. He made the right call. See what happens when LSU plays the criminal interlopers.
  14. It seems Kelly's comments on buying players has spawned many reactions. I liked what he said. Obviously, he was commenting on Damonic Williams. All nonsense aside, he was basically saying you can't just pay marginally talented guys tons of money in the transfer portal without screwing up your locker room. I'd take Kelly over Venables any day.
  15. I think I'm living in a weird world.
  16. It's not about going to Texas. This is Texas Longhorns site. What are be supposed to say about a guy who decided he doesn't like Texas?
  17. Wrong? Class? Where am I? Is this a Ohio State or Texas board?
  18. I'm thinking 25 or 26 we'll be going to final two with Arch. Davison will be at OSU with 40 carries and 127 yards. Good luck goober.
  19. I'd take any RBs in top Texas 10 over Davison. California pansies can't hang.
  20. If the boy doesn't think he can crack the line-up at Texas, then what does he think he'll do in NFL? Arch is waiting. Does Davison thinks he's gotta go as freshman? Jesus. He's nothing to us. Hose him.
  21. Playing time? If he doesn't think he can get on the field at Texas, then how does he think he'll do in the NFL? I'm saying the boy's a pansy. Rickey ain't no pansy.
  22. Pansies need to man up. If you can't man up, you got no business at Texas.
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