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Everything posted by Austalgia

  1. Last time someone called a 40 time……ummm
  2. Vernebles has been and will continue to be an amazing hire for Texas fans.
  3. Seems like a good hire. Hope we can maintain the presence in Louisiana that Terry Joseph afforded us.
  4. It’s a question thread?! I just asked a question. Looking forward to your next art. Don’t get the vitriol.
  5. You’re right, thank you OTF police. Not on your watch, buddy. Glad we have a Gestapo
  6. Censorship? Why do you care what I ask so much? Having a spring game sinks the season for you? Why does one practice for fans that support the football irritate you so much?
  7. They told us to ask? 😂 I am over it. Just don’t buy it.
  8. Leadership at the Univaersity of Texas seems to be for a 9th conference game, but against an exhibition spring game for the fans. One of these things makes money, and one does not. The reason given for omitting the spring game was that it is physically too taxing on the starters (presumably since they play the long season) in a longer season. How is another SEC game less taxing than the spring game or a non conference game that would both iinvoke playing backups and seeing the future? Further, if the long season is not the real reason for cancelling the spring game, what is the real reason?
  9. That’s what I was going to say. Seven Spanish Angel’s
  10. My point exactly . But the statement above was that it was just a business like the NFL. That doesn’t mention family or the school or the fans.
  11. Because you know? What about viewership? I don’t don’t know, but I can think maybe if it irritates me (a fan BTW) it might irritate someone else. Not a hard stretch. And not saying as it is, but if it keeps becoming more and more about business and less about the fandom and the connection to the college with rogue rent a players that don’t even care about being at the specific school. Then what?
  12. Hypothetical. I said if. Not what attendance is now. IF it becomes all about business then it becomes semi pros. See USFL, or XFL attendance.
  13. You make it all business see what happens, but I agree with quote above that you can’t change it. What you can do is complain about it. You make college football a business and it’s the minor league NFL with no fans. Has to be about college and fandom.
  14. I agree, tone it down. Find some happy medium. OatA’s, that’s bulls!$t. Besides, the running backs didn’t get hurt in spring game. Of course don’t want anyone hurt, but it’s football, unfortunate things happen. Guarantee there will be just as many injuries or more when you go cold into full pads later.
  15. Everyone gets it, I don’t. A big part of this is about the fans. I like taking the kids, and the experience of getting a first look at the new team. This isn’t the pros. You take college football little by little bit out of college football and this thing tanks. Players and coaches don’t drive this thing. It’s the college logo, and the fans that follow that logo. Not saying they aren’t a part, but they are renters and passing through. Fans, the college, and traditions are the constants.
  16. Yet to be named transfer, or Ryan Wingo if he can learn to work back to ball through contact. Or, Arch just hits him in stride, and working back a moot point, and it’s OVER! Last scenario pure terror.
  17. Is that still Greg Swindell announcing with Keith Moreland on the radio network?
  18. This guy can’t coach. JK 😂
  19. TBD stands for “that bad dude” ? Showing my age me thinks.
  20. Can he recruit, and or coach running backs?
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