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Everything posted by Hashtag

  1. lol
  2. Yeah national signing day.
  3. Saw that and also saw Arthur Smith being mentioned.
  4. Staff tried to get him in last year....
  5. lol
  6. Throw fits and act like a toddler, get treated like a toddler.
  7. What happened after 2009 was 1000% Mack's fault. He completely changed the offense from spread to a pro style without having the talent. Mack is to be blamed for that. Mack was also lazy in recruiting and that started post national title. He was lazier and lazier as the years went on.
  8. They gave him the Shaka Smart leave with dignity card, he was too hard headed and stubborn to take it because he thought he was bigger than our program. So we did what needed to be done because it was apparent he wasn't tanking in recruiting and not doing anything to better the program. What happened after is irrelevant to Mack.
  9. As he deserved. They asked him to do the right thing out of respect but his ego wouldn’t let him. He ran off to Florida to prolong it and cause more embarrassment.
  10. I doubt it but if so....ya know
  11. There is no guarantee that Baxter is ready to go game 1 of next season.
  12. We should 100% be going after Omarion Hampton, assuming he doesn't go to the NFL draft.
  13. I mean I'd be more respectful to Mack if he was more respectful to our program. Yeah he says sweet nothings on TV but behind the scenes he bad mouthed the program to anyone who would listen.
  14. Because he’s a dumbass who got fired from his last two jobs and refused to retire
  15. Is this the equivalent of Mack killing himself down in Florida recruiting?
  16. What's more respectable? Going out on your own terms or being fired from your last two jobs?
  17. There is a huge difference between practice reps and live game reps for QBs. There was no reason to trot an obviously injured Ewers who couldn't move in the second half out there. We were up 24-7 and it would have been a good opportunity to get some rust off Arch just in case vs a above average defense.
  18. Who cares about him? Kid is trashing recruits and program on social media and was a malcontent in the locker room. Good riddance
  19. He missed 3 wide open shots that would have been touchdowns with just piss poor throws.
  20. Everyone is all in until a new deal is presented that makes them all in to you or the other team lol
  21. I think we’re in SECCG no matter what. We have tie breaker over Tennessee
  22. I think we’re in no matter what
  23. Not enough to overturn but I think he broke plain anyway
  24. Ball was thrown late to Bond. Should have been out sooner
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