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Everything posted by TTown

  1. As long as Baker is talking to Brown and Zion everyday as well then things are better 🤘
  2. Conor Stalions is bummed today 🤣. No more sidelines for him for sure. Guess he can work on his Manifesto, or a way to hack those helmets👍
  3. Still hope if a great Pro Day, but not the same imo as showing the skills at the combine. Still think he can be an asset somewhere but more than likely the free agent route. Maybe could have made himself more $ this weekend, but sure he takes care of his NIL. His future is bright if not football no doubt.
  4. I blame the guys that hired him. Remember we had a President that was clueless on athletics.Remember him jumping on the plane to help hire an OC for Strong omg . An interim AD that was by trade a lawyer and awesome UT ex but out of his element, and should have never been the AD that long. That set us back as well, not his fault. So no alignment like we have now. We all know how it would have ended pretty much. So lucky to have Elife, CDC, Hartzell, and Sark now. I don't even wanna think how behind we would be if we kept him much longer. There are reasons no big time teams tried to hire him then , or now I'll just leave it at that. The stories are out there .
  5. Wish it was so easy to pick up 2 DL this late. Only real hope there is a Michigan guy or 2 jumps in. And then a bidding war. Usually don't get great ones this late at that position. Just hope Baker can develop what we have and go from there.Losing those 2 great ones and J. Ford was always gonna be tough to replace to that level. We seem better on the edges and back end though. Great notes thanks!
  6. I could only find 2 out of 33 that confines that but you could be right. I just don't see anymore than Arkansas and .Missouri at the moment. Most others seem to be anywhere they want to sign. It is all pretty crazy but fully expect Texas to address the Law again if need be. It is just all these court rulings and cases who knows what comes next ha!
  7. From my reading of it I only see Missouri and Arkansas with in state stuff. There are currently 33 states that allow and others considering. Most read that they can get the $ no matter where they sign. Again not sure if it is a big disadvantage yet, but can see it coming if we don't amend it . But that would next legislative session so good luck between now and then ha. May not affect UT as much considering our model of doing it, but I bet other schools like Tech would love to be able to offer asap to kids in state. Good discussion and who knows things change so fast just hold on tight ha.
  8. Yeah I can see both sides here tbh. As a member of THSCA I disagree and believe they should get that right. Many other states have amended their laws to allow. I agree on a smaller scale we might be ok, Wingo as an example, but larger I'm not sure. Interesting debate and your points are valid. But man if a kid can get that $ and offer early, I think it puts us and all Texas schools at a disadvantage. Who knows. Hell as crazy as things are I wouldn't be surprised to see a Texas athlete sue over this law. Why not everybody else is🤣🤘
  9. Just realized unless we change Texas law no Texas schools can make offers to high school kids now. Totally forgot that even with new NIL ruling. Many other states amended their laws. Disadvantage?
  10. I trust your insight of course. Guess I have never been sold on Baker being the best we could get at this critical position. But need to be fair as well and trust those that know way more than me on this. Hope he spends a lot of time in Lufkin 🤘
  11. I know the rule applies to SEC teams as you have to be in portal by Feb 1 or you can't transfer within the Conference, have to sit a year. Just didn't know if it included us and OU yet for sure.I mean we may be bound by it even though we don't enter officially until July. It is still in effect.
  12. As related to this hearing conflicting things. Are we bound now by the SEC transfer rules even if we aren't officially in the Conference. Example next portal none of our guys can transfer to a SEC school without sitting out a year. And vice versa anyone wanting to come to UT from the SEC? Just curious thanks anybody👍
  13. Excellent post and my point all along. Yes know it is a temporary Injunction that still could take months before it changes. The Supreme Court has signaled where this is headed in the 2021 Alston ruling. Anybody that can't see that is delusional. Plus there are other antitrust suits out there as well NIL back pay in Cali, and transfer limits. So full speed ahead to Collectives and hopefully we take full advantage. Great post to the point👍
  14. Was a time I thought we would get Zion Williams from Lufkin no doubt. But with Bo at LSU , seems that has shifted imo as of now. He also stated in an article A&M was recruiting him the hardest talking daily. He didn't have much to say about Baker yet, but to be fair it is early. Said he was intimidating ha and wrote down everything he said btw. Likes Sark's culture. But mentioned B. Kelly coming to Lufkin to see him . I mean really emphasized that. Hope we get the momentum back, but this one gonna be a hell of a battle now it seems, more than usual.
  15. Dude the only one that doesn't understand is you. Of course it can be appealed etc. Read the tea leaves . I'll take lawyers that deal with this very subject routinely, and their opinions.As well as journalists that have been involved in this forever. You seem hurt the NCAA is about to lose this. I'm done with the argument and you can be the only guy in America that believes the NCAA will prevail. Yes I understand the rules. And yes I understand the Tennessee AG is gonna fight this as far as necessary if it comes to that.The Supreme Court has already spoken on this to a degree with Cavanaugh's thoughts . Why am I even trying we will never agree. Carry on and enjoy the new offers about to go out from every Collective😂
  16. I looked at the Georgia Boards as well, hell not doing anything else tonight ha! Didn't see much either just a mention. Not that it would happen but hypothetically if he did(which I doubt btw) would the SEC transfer rules between SEC teams apply to us even though we haven't joined the conference yet? Feb 1 was the date or you sit out a year. For instance again not saying will happen at all, could Matthews from A&M come here? Could 1 of our rb's transfer to Georgia if he left? Just curious , and no I don't expect it, just like clarification on that rule as applies to us and OU.🤘
  17. Federal District Court Judge. Applies to the whole country, so trying to say he is a lowly judge shows you don't get it. And of course anything is possible but the odds are between slim and none on this . As for Congress that won't happen anytime soon either. They have been lobbying for months and are no closer than when they started.But I agree that is all that can save the NCAA to a point on some of this. Election year not gonna happen. NCAA can change course themselves and work with the schools is the only fast way to get something done imo. But don't expect that either. Who knows we all have our opinions and respect yours, just way disagree on the outcome.
  18. From Michael McMann Sports Lawyer and Harvard Guy. Definitely he knows where this is headed
  19. Many of the people I referenced are lawyers by the way. I don't know how to explain it better and we are getting no where. It is a done deal. And you have no idea what Texas is doing or will do since this just came down. But I suspect we will go full speed ahead this is the new Texas regime. I mean Bobby said that is where this is headed I don't know what more you need. I suggest you read more on the issue respectfully . No sense in the back and forth. I trust the federal judge and numerous lawyers with no skin in the game. It is a done deal book it!!
  20. Judge gave them the biggest hint their case is a loser period.
  21. I hear you but every expert I have heard believes this is a done deal. Also read it is not that easy to get that appeal as well. Honestly I haven't seen anyone say the NCAA will win an appeal. The judges statements are pretty clear on anti trust. We can disagree of course , but imo it is done. Congress checks in, or the NCAA gets smart and works this out. Not sure they even appeal, it is a waste of $ imo. But I hear ya we shall see. And with the big Cali case almost done, they need to save every dime to survive at all imo. Have good 1!
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