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Everything posted by TTown

  1. I was thinking the same and as a retired coach and still member of the THSCA they are wrong to keep fighting this imo. May have to wait until next legislative session, but I can see a kid challenging this now even more. I am definitely not a lawyer, but with other states allowing this just seems unfair. I don't see our state wanting to be at a disadvantage, figured we would have amended that law last session. But agreed it is coming.
  2. I don't know how much clearer the Judge could be. Violates anti trust and the ruling will hold. Have read numerous articles from those in the know and no one believes this won't hold. The only caveat is if Congress steps in which again seems very unlikely anytime soon, if ever. And here we are. Imo it is dead and buried, and we should navigate that way in the T1 Fund and Athletic Dept. We all know this is headed to the Athletic Dept taking over NIL eventually. We shall see .2 more big cases are out there as well . Back pay for athletes NIL which could be 4 billion the NCAA pays, and employee question. Buckle up!
  3. Also will this have an impact on whether or not HS athletes in Texas can get paid while in HS? Yes I know the 2021 law prohibits that here, but other states allow it. Will this ruling have any effect? Of course the THSCA will keep fighting it. But I can see an athlete here challenging that and get their$ early as opposed to when they enroll. Quinn had to leave to get his. I mean if an athlete can get offers now from a Collective is it fair he can't get his$ started now if other states HS kids can? Like Missouri for instance. Just thinking out loud, but I can see lawyer taking that on. More than likely Texas changes the law despite HS coaches objections.
  4. As long as he talked to him for more than 10 minutes things are getting better😂jk
  5. The judge has given the guidance and what the future will be. We all know this. Of course Texas will take their time that is how they operate usually. But times are changing and I suspect we play the game much quicker, while still keeping main focus as before. No offer will be given without staffs approval at any university. That is what is so funny just move it in house because it already is in house so to speak. Coaches know who to offer and how much.You think any Collective is gonna match an offer without Sark's approval as an example. Collectives aren't just a renegade group ha, they work hand in hand with coaches and we all know it. Next question will be on loyalty points in giving to NIL. Bet that gets looked at again everywhere, why not? Even though not related to this case, I can see another court case on that ha! Strike while this drags through the courts and Congress. Fun times ahead !
  6. From what I have read this will take months in the Court system depending on the NCAA response etc. Plus election year Congress won't do anything . The AG of Tennessee did say he would be willing to work with the NCAA to find common ground. But he knows without Congress he has the ultimate winning hand.
  7. Read in an ESPN article where they talked to head of many Collectives. All basically said it is open season now and offer letters to come shortly. Some are even questioning the Dead period. The Spring portal and beyond will be crazy with back and forth. Applies to HS recruits and portal guys. The aggressive well funded Collectives are about to be in full blast. Hold on and enjoy. Texas One Fund should be able to compete with all, and hopefully we go full throttle🤘
  8. Applies to all 50 States btw
  9. Let the tampering begin ha. Start with Michigan DT's🤘🤘
  10. Absolutely a beautiful day here on the 40 and will be tonight and all weekend. Come out and enjoy baseball or softball or why not both🤘
  11. Yeah the schedule is tough no matter where they put it. Greg Sankey is behind this move FWIW. And HS coaches are against the Summer signing as well , especially Texas HS coaches. Many are afraid the HS kid will sign and then skip his senior year, then enroll early etc. And Sankey mentioned that as well. He definitely wants to stay in good graces there ha for good reason, considering the SEC lives in Texas recruiting🤘
  12. Not sure about a lock. Say Arch starts 2 years after QE leaves that makes Lacy wait 2 years before he ever sees the field as a possible starter. Not counting who else is still competing in the QB room. QE coming back changed timelines no doubt. I hope he does, but in this day and age and with NIL I wouldn't put any $ on it. Again assuming Arch stays and plays 2 years after Quinn which seems more plausible at this time. But every QB in that room is facing that scenario Owens etc. But strong NIL and the great QB coaching here might win out, but I'm skeptical. Most kids don't wanna sit for 1 year much less 2. Nice problem to have though🤘
  13. Again it is done and we can all respectfully agree or disagree. Of course the LT side is gonna play CYA. As far as Cordova he took time to respond to Rico Rico on Tik Tok of all places. And at the end of the show/letter Rico asked Cordova to look at his film. Rico declined and told him to read the room and no freebies etc. Yeah he has learned a lot . Again mad respect for our players doing the right thing! Funny Vogel goes to LT today and nothing about Cordova on Twitter, but everybody else. Guess the story UT fed Anwar was right they are done!
  14. Hopefully he can help Baker get going asap. Can be coach DL as well? JK but sure helps with the Dallas Area. Again I'm still confused on what Coach Fenner is bringing to the table since he took Gilbert's old job. Hardly anything written about him and how he has adapted to the job.Oh well we got Brandon Harris tweeting tonight so all is well🤣
  15. Good to see you back miss you on IT. Hope all is well👍🤘
  16. Can you not read. The article states they weren't aware of the allegations. Being in Austin myself I find that hard to believe. Took players to do the right thing here. I agree this staff is usually spot on , But they dropped it here imo. Can agree to disagree respectfully but learning from this is a good thing for all. And btw I know more than you think on this issue as to why I even posted about it after I saw the spin machine from yesterday. Again it is done and hopefully things get better . Seldom have I seen players basically call out coaches like this. Glad they did!
  17. Per Anwar Richardson Texas has backed off and didn't know all the details etc.Which again I figured was the case. Whatever and however UT got there it was the right move. When asked if he will be at Spring Game the reply was it is open to the public per Richardson. Players did the work here so good for them. Now hope coaches investigate a little better going forward.
  18. Xavier Worthy just reposted this. It is getting a lot of looks on Twitter and trust me the comments are not good. Maybe one time the players have it right and the coaches may have been mistaken here. And for the record the Athletic Department made the decision on the punishment or so called punishment. A bullying investigation wasn't started until the School Board meeting and media got involved. The fix was in imo. Prediction if offer isn't pulled it will fade away in the sunset. I'm done on this!
  19. I thought so , but it may not be. Read elsewhere that hasn't been spelled out in the new extension. Or at least known for sure yet. Pretty sure journalists are checking to get that nailed down.
  20. I'll leave it at this. We all can see it differently. This doesn't sound like cleaning up
  21. Quite a bit actually not just from every media report but someone in the LT community as well. We can agree to disagree here no problem, but imo it stinks to high heaven. You have big name former players tweeting on this, and I know for a fact a couple of current players aren't happy about the offer. I try to be fair this just hits me the wrong way with what I know. We will see but I suspect more is to come despite the fact to whitewash the incident. Just my opinion.
  22. Disagree on this one should have never been offered. He won't end up a Horn and bad look on the staff imo. Bet these aren't the only players that feel this way period.
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