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Everything posted by jonbailey

  1. Dude just be glad he was ball'en. Maybe he was just showing his abs
  2. What about outside?
  3. Can Bijan pull some strings and clear out some space for Bevo?
  4. @CJ Vogel moves to College Station. Right next to some train tracks.
  5. Oh no! Heaven forbid the Vols get a walkout intro on the sacred "Safelite" field. THE Buckeyes need to calm down.
  6. Is wearing number 1 cursed or something. Dang was really hoping he would stick around.
  7. I hear the “Hall of Champions” inside Kyle field is just stuffed to bursting. S/
  8. I bet Ryan Williams is just negotiating to increase his Alabama NIL.
  9. So many surface level takes in this thread
  10. I love OTF but ya'll need to settle down. Quinn is not playing at an NFL level. Pretending that he is not one of the best QB in college football is silly. Are there guys better, yes! Is he better than most, yes! Does he make mistakes, heck yes! But, and as Rod would say this a (insert large butt) he gives this team the best chance to win. Sark does not and will not run a simple offense. As long as Sark is the coach we are not running a dumbed down offense. So you need the guy with the arm who understands the offense. Could Arch operate in a pinch, my believe is yes. Will he ball out next yeat, hell yeah! But what Quinn does in the intermediate game is so elite and is not deserving of this level of criticism. Kicker missed two kicks and the game was lost because of quinn is just such a captured narrative analysis. Reassess your analysis if you think 3 is why the game was lost. Certainly was the penalties, lack of run game, drops, or poor special teams. S/
  11. Icy whites whenever possible! It just hits different. If they have the option icy whites the whole playoff!
  12. Did anyone else enjoy seeing the team run out in the middle of the Aggie War hymn? It I was hilarious seeing their silly traditions interrupted. Sark must have said “alright enough of this, lets go”
  13. I mean do we get to pick the entrance music, better percentage of ticket sales, 2nd to get the ball in OT? Seems pointless. Also can we elect to wear icy whites?
  14. What advantage does being the home team for a championship game bring?
  15. Bush league behavior
  16. I have pulled for the aggies only one time in my life. 2002 when the land thieves came to College Station as the #1 ranked team. Reggie McNeal pulled off the upset then the sooners returned to give the aggies their worst lost in program history the following year.
  17. Mayo is gross. Embrace the superior condiment, BBQ sauce
  18. "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women"
  19. Maybe he is clued in to how strong this Texas class is going to be.
  20. I’ve spent a little time in Ark and most people were friendly. However I was refused service at a liquor store for wearing a Texas hat. While inconvenient, that is no where near as bad as getting refused service from a mechanic shop in Oklahoma for having Texas plates.
  21. A&M is great at veterinary. Texas has a better engineering school over all but A&M has a great petroleum engineering department. I know alot of aggies in O&G that are pretty sharp when it comes to non-sports. Im sure UT is great at that as well. I can only assume A&M's the civil engineering department is trash given the roads in college station.
  22. Who are some players that have improved their draft stock? Who has hurt their draft stock?
  23. That play reminds me of the gunner helm TD play in the oklahoma game. This time, Defender got a piece of it and Vandy beat Bolden to the ball. I dont think it was the worst throw but, to your point, anytime you get picked it is a bad decision. Needs to be cleaned up for sure. I also think the penalties and ineffective run game outside of the 1st drive caused the offense to sputter in the second half. At then end of the day he needs to get better but i dont think he was a negative on the field yesterday at any point in the game. You do make good points though.
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