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Jerry K

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Everything posted by Jerry K

  1. They followed up one of their cleanest games of the season (last Tuesday) with their ugliest game of the season. Those 5 errors doesn’t include a wild pitch by Grubbs that ended up scoring a run. Not knocking Grubbs he was solid on the mound but the defense was atrocious.
  2. And someone said high winds too. Not sure whether it’ll be blowing in our out.
  3. Thanks a bunch for checking Blake! 👊 Im thinking he’s probably going to need to be involved if there’s any weather related discussions. Weather forecast not looking great for Norman this weekend.
  4. Blake question for you. With Pierce being suspended for this Fridays scheduled game in Norman do you know if he is allowed to be with the team during the week? I would assume so but not sure if NCAA suspension rules for baseball are similar to football in that regard.
  5. Lol yeah he’s frustrating at times no doubt. I’ve moved on from him and looking forward to seeing who his replacement is. One thing I wonder is what happens if this team gets hot and makes a run starting this weekend and ends up winning the conference championship. This team has the talent to do it and the conference title is weak enough. Is CDC gonna fire a coach who just one a championship?
  6. This has been an issue with Pierce getting tossed prior to this season. To the point CDC had to step in so I’m told. He had been better this season as this is his first ejection of the season. My issue with his temper tantrums is he doesn’t know when to stop. He completely looses his shi*. He can’t have a level head and make good decisions that are in the best interest of the team when he completely looses his mind.
  7. The ump held up two fingers after he kicked Pierce out and Pierce kept throwing his temper tantrum. The two fingers means two games.
  8. I agree. Thing that could make CDC’s decision a lot harder is this team has the talent to get hot and make a solid run. I know people say you can’t fix pitching overnight and that’s true but winning and momentum goes a long way in terms of player improvement. The schedule gets harder in the next few weeks so we’ll see. To me the damage has been done. This team is currently not even in the top 50 much less the top 5 which is where CDC wants them to be. I still don’t know why Phillip Miller left either voluntarily or not.
  9. I hated I couldn’t make it. Had a fishing trip planned in Rockport before the date for the spring game was announced. Hopefully next time! 🤘
  10. It was good to see LBJ have a better outing. Still not great but much better.
  11. That was a big series win! I didn’t think they would turn it around after last Tuesdays showing. 🤘 WTH is wrong with Pierce getting tossed arguing a call that was not at all in doubt? The ball clearly hit Powell. The umps got together and made sure they made the right call. And it was the right call and Pierce throws a full on teenage style temper tantrum. He’s an embarrassment to the program in my opinion.
  12. Arch is definitely talented. That talent should help make Quinn even better.
  13. Last night was bad. Those nine hit batters was only one shy of the D1 NCAA record according to Rod Babers. I’ve been watching Longhorn baseball (that I can remember) for over 30 years and I don’t ever remember seeing as bad a pitching performance as I saw last night. And it’s not likely to get better. TCU is struggling but I’ll be shocked if they don’t sweep this weekend. Then OU is the following weekend and that looks like another sweep. The last 3 in the conference don’t make the Big 12 tournament in this years format. That is almost certainly their last hope of making the NCAA tournament at this point unless something drastic changes.
  14. Is it true Jarod Thomas will be starting on the mound tonight?
  15. Similar but different. Tulo has zero head coaching experience that I’m aware of. I agree it’d be risky and not a direction CDC would likely go.
  16. As I watch Texas in a dog fight against a team that’s 5-11 in conference play I came back to look at this list again. I really like your first 3, tier one coaches. Obviously nothing is guaranteed but I think any of those would be an upgrade. Personally I’m not a fan of Tony V. My impression of him is he’s arrogant, mouthy and just not someone that would fit well at Texas. Maybe I’m wrong? This guy doesn’t fit the “mold” or typical criteria but part of me wonders what kind of HC Tulo would be at a place like Texas. Yeah it’d be rolling the dice big time but the guy knows baseball.
  17. I’ve never seen that before. Well done. Held the runner from advancing to 3rd.
  18. Thank you sir! 🤘
  19. Blake changing the subject a little. Do you know what the new schedule looks like for today with Texas having to finish up the 9th inning from last night? How does that impact the originally scheduled start time? Thanks!
  20. I hear what you’re saying. Again it’s a fair point. My point is Pierce is struggling at being a pitching coach. Last year LBJ was much better.
  21. Fair point on his fastball. When his only other pitch (slider or cutter or whatever that pitch is he has is) isn’t working he’s easy to hit off of. His true slider isn’t that great. However last year he was tougher to hit off of which is why he had a lot of eyes on him coming into this year. Your point about BYU sitting on heaters speaks to what I’m getting at. The fact that Pierce kept calling those pitches is a head scratcher. Coach Pierce knows a lot about baseball but we are seeing he’s not hard to out coach in a game. I’ve been a supporter of him for a while even on this board mostly because I think 1/3 into the season is too early to say he needs to be replaced and I wanted to avoid the knee jerk reaction. But now we are half way through the season and little has changed or improved. I’m not saying he needs to go but he’s proven so far he can’t be the pitching coach and head coach at the same time. Maybe that will change. Sure hope so!
  22. I respectfully disagree. LBJ has (or had) one of the best sliders/cutters in the game as a secondary pitch. When they played LSU earlier this season their head coach referred to LBJ as one of the best pitchers in the country. If it was just LBJ that is battling regression I would tend to agree but it’s not. David Shaw, Charlie Hurley and Cody Howard have all regressed from where they were last year in addition to LBJ. To me seems like there’s more to it.
  23. Curious how do you know it’s LBJ’s fault?
  24. Yes sir big win!!
  25. @CoachBobbyFinstock you laughed at my comment. Why?
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