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Everything posted by harveycmd

  1. Just watched some of the latest Soonerscoop podcast, and, although they didn't get carried Saturday, they did get carried away today. "That win makes anything possible." Of course, they also admitted Auburn lost the game more than the criminals won it. The best throw Hawkins made was a five yard slant. Without multiple Longhorn turnovers and some non-offensive scores, it's hard to see how the criminals stay in the game.
  2. Sark thinks they'll need Blue's playmaking ability in big games and for a possible playoff run. That's almost certainly true. Because of this, Sark will give Blue every chance to stay engaged, improve his ball security, and help the team reach its potential. I'm thinking Choice is telling Blue that if he fumbles more than a time or two again this season, they have no choice but to look elsewhere.
  3. The criticism is based in reasonable analysis, but it's overdone. As noted above, the criminals can't really run the ball, and they certainly can't pass it much either. They must rely on Hawkins running around on broken plays. That's where Hill will shine. Hawkins is a good athlete, but he's not running away from Hill. Better chance that Hill puts a few bruises on Hawkins than the criminals somehow take "advantage" of Hill.
  4. I remember watching this in the theater in March 1998 and thinking this guy is a criminal interloper fan. Apologize for the cussing, but it's too true to pass up. From the licking and polishing bowling balls to the pederasty, it's pure criminal sooner stuff: FBI raid in the late 1980s, probation for cheating after every title under Wilkinson and Switzer, one of the most penalized programs in the history of college football, have always had to pay to get most of their players from out of state, but they think they're respectable. As Jesus says, "It's laughable, man!"
  5. I was expecting some irrational exuberance from the Soonerscoop boys after their game, but there really wasn't. They pretty much admitted that Auburn is the only team in the SEC that will literally just give you the ball and then fold their tent. Differently stated, the criminals avoided disaster for the week, but there weren't any signs for hope that the major problems are close to solved.
  6. C'mon dawgs! We need that 1 vs. 2 game.
  7. Haven't you ever watched The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Blake?
  8. By the way, the conversation with Sorbonne critic at the restaurant in Spearfish was in French, German and Spanish. She assumed that I was a typical American who only spoke English. She started in French, which I know enough to understand, but not to speak comfortably. I responded to her in German, knowing that the French always throw their hands up when the Germans appear. She knew a little German and started her reply in German but switched to Spanish, which McCarthy often reverted to in his writing. I knew Spanish tolerably well and carried on. Rick spoke Spanish to her. People in the restaurant were staring at us like a terrorist attack was about to descend upon them. That's the kind of thing you get in to when dealing with such people.
  9. Another fun fact here that has a connection to the University of Texas, Clint Eastwood and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: the guy who was the editor of the Cormac McCarthy Journal at the time was Rick Wallach, who was the nephew of Eli Wallach, who of course went to Texas and starred with Clint in the famous Sergio Leone film. Rick was an adjunct professor at the University of Miami at the time. Rick was a raging lefty. I don't know if you can tell by reading the essay, but I'm not. In any event, Rick always stuck up for me when I was attacked by lefty nutjobs in the academy, in large part because he personally knew McCarthy and knew that my interpretation was in line with McCarthy's views on sociopolitical matters. That and he and I really got along well and loved to talk about Eli Wallach's wonderful performance in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. In fact, I originally presented that essay at a conference held at Black Hills State University on 28-30 September 2009. I ended up winning an award for having the best paper. At the end of the conference, I was at dinner with my wife, two young daughters and a bunch of McCarthy scholars from all over the world. A famous literary critic from the Sorbonne lit into me right in front of my children while we were eating buffalo steaks. She was upset that I had the audacity to claim McCarthy or any author worth anything could be conservative. Rick chewed her out, told her knew for a fact that McCarthy held the views I claimed in the essay, and told her she should apologize, She didn't. She left instead. After that, my daughters (who were eight and five at the time), had a long discussion with Rick about the cinematic greatness of Leone, Eastwood and Eli Wallach's performance.
  10. By way of proof of ownership, I have given permission to several university presses (including the University of Texas) to publish the essay in anthologies on Cormac McCarthy as an author or specific volumes dedicated to Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West in particular.
  11. I don't know how to say this so that one grasps the totality of the situation, but they claim the "rights" to publication of the essay on that website, meaning one cannot retrieve it and republish any portion of it from that website without their permission, I can do whatever I want with it because I'm the author and the original copyright holder prior to its publication on that website. In other words, before they published it on their website, I copyrighted it. Their deal is with the Cormac McCarthy Journal. I didn't cede ownership of the intellectual property to the journal; rather, I gave them permission to publish and distribute the essay with the legal proviso that its mine (that's what copyright does). That's why I alluded to the judge from Blood Meridian, who, if you have read and studied the novel, claims to own the universe. My claim is far more limited but airtight nonetheless.
  12. I read a story that quoted Gabriel's response to Venables' claim that Gabriel transferred to Oregon so he could be "closer" to Hawaii. Basically Gabriel said he's just glad he's out of criminal interloper land and that God put in him in the right place. It's surprising to me that Venables is proving to be such a mealy mouthed cover up artist. He must be under quite a bit more internal pressure over this Arnold debacle than is being openly reported. I can understand him just being stupid about how to manage QBs, but this obvious dishonesty is basically guaranteeing not only that he will get canned by the criminals, but also that he won't be a head coach again.
  13. I feel about the Canes about like I do Notre Dame, although I realize they have a much higher ceiling than the Irish pretenders.
  14. I don't think Grammarly owns this one either. https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE|A270372894&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=00491675&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon~4f7fb9fd&aty=open-web-entry
  15. The judge from Blood Meridian says otherwise.
  16. By the way, I'm still reading recently released Kissinger classified documents from 1970-1976. Nothing the Longhorns or any ball chasers can do to compete with winning the Cold War. The more we learn about Kissinger, the more amazing he becomes. Furthermore, a hundred years from now, Nixon will clearly be recognized as the greatest American president of the twentieth century.
  17. Mack was out coached by Stoops for the most part. There's no way to deny that. Scared is stretch. Texas won as many national titles under Mack as the criminals did with Stoops. Longhorns are the last ones to win a natty. This has nothing to do with Mack, but the Longhorns are the last one to win a conference title. Longhorns are last the ones to make the playoff. Longhorns will win another couple titles before the criminals win anything.
  18. Gerry, do you still think Riley Leonard is going to be really great for the losers at Notre Dame?
  19. I love clouds. I'm not old yet, although I do love Clint Eastwood, trade stocks and drink beer every morning.,
  20. True. Venables ain't better than Sark.
  21. I don't need grammarly idiots in large part because I went to the University of Texas.
  22. I'm tired of seeing grammarly ads. I've published numerous essays on the greatest Texas writer of all time: Cormac McCarthy and Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West. Here's an example. https://www.jstor.org/stable/42909395
  23. I agree. Sark better start killing those idiots this year. There's no excuse. The fact that the criminals came out at the beginning of the game last year and stuck it to us is on him. He's gotta bury them.
  24. There's no doubt the criminal interlopers are getting what they deserve. I've bet some serious money they're not winning more than five. Good chance they won't win another.
  25. Venables is dividing the program. He's now throwing the offensive coaches under the bus. The offensive coaches spent all spring and summer telling him not to start Arnold, but he said no because the donors wouldn't stand for it so they just had to get Arnold ready. They are now openly talking among themselves about who went to the donors and asked them to pony up the NIL to keep Arnold. They are talking about who chose Arnold over Gabriel when the Arnold camp came pimping in December. Guy isn't a head coach. He's defensive coordinator.
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